I have since changed my mind and I do everything I can to persuade Amaya to crawl, it's just such a cute way to get around.
This is as close as she has come, but it's quite a bit of progress, any time she is on her stomach (or hands even) she usually just instinctively rolls over.
And again, more pictures for no reason.
how old is she? My sis nearby has 5 month old twinners, and they're starting to think about crawling. I told her not to let them crawl in the next three weeks, because I'm going to babysit!
She's already 8 months, but she's always hated being on her stomach, so she's never really thought about crawling. Mostly I've been ok with that. Twins! Yeah, if I had twins I don't think I'd ever want them to crawl. You'd be constantly chasing them!
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